Spoken with Authority’s coaching clinics give participants of our online webinars, recorded virtual training, and in-person workshops a supportive learning environment to apply newly learned tools and techniques, and to tailor them to their unique speaking situations and goals.


These responsive and timely coaching sessions may be conducted in a private or semi-private setting. They take place in the hours or days following a group training program.

Ideal for

Participants of the recent training program who want to reinforce training


Raise awareness and provide targeted advice on one issue


Anticipating likely questions, brainstorming engaging stories, practicing responses, conveying professionalism, remaining authentic, and projecting confidence during the oral communication portions of the interview


Hour long spot coaching, ideally after a group training, 1 hour per participant


Caucasian woman smiling at a conference room table. Promote inclusion with Better Communication Skills With Your Team.

Offering a 1-1 supplement to group sessions can drive attendance and increase the return on your professional development investment.

Improve attendance

Individual sessions allow for facilitators to help attendees, especially those who are neurodiverse or from other underrepresented groups, tailor content to their unique needs.

Promote inclusion

Pairing 1-1 coaching with a group session allows learners to dive deeper into concepts that are most relevant and apply them to real-world speaking situations.

Deepen learning

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