Gain great insight into how to prepare for virtual and in-person presentations, learn what common errors to avoid, and be “in the know” with presentation trends, among many other relevant topics.
Supporting Your Growth as a Storyteller
Storytelling is an important part of being a communicator - just as important as the data, the facts, and the details. These resources will help you improve your storytelling skills.
How to become a better listener
What does it take to be a good listener? Three of our experts discuss tips and strategies to be better listeners.
Making Magic with Your Coaching Investment from 3 Presentation-skills Coaches
Advice on what law firms can do to get the best results and most value out of the coaching investments they make for attorneys and other professionals.
9 Parallels Between Paddleboarding and Public Speaking
Nine parallels between paddleboarding and public speaking to make next foray on the water both safe and fun, and your next speech or presentation a success.
Post-Pandemic Authenticity: From High Heels to White Sneakers
Christine Clapp’s experience about embracing authenticity and the experience of giving up high heels for white sneakers at a conference.
How to address challenges of attending and communicating at in-person conferences
A few reflections on the challenges of returning to in-person conferences, the communication challenges presented, and ways you might address them.
Present With Executive Presence Online
Five key elements of online executive presence so you reflect poise and professionalism, confidence, and capability.
When Someone Walks Out of Your Presentation
What would you do if you were speaking and someone got up and walked out? Focus on what it is that you are there to say, rather than on people decide they don’t want to listen.
Job Interview Tips to Make a Great Impression
Job interview tips and preparation so you can brush up on your job interview skills, adapt to current trends, and make a great impression.
How to Speak While Wearing a Mask
Strategies to make it easier to speak and give presentations while wearing a mask.
Hybrid Meeting and Event Checklist
Hybrid meetings and events are when some participants are in person are others are joining via videoconference. Use this checklist to first determine if hybrid is the right format for your meeting or event, and then to consider the program setup, AV, materials and hospitality, as well as strategies for networking and engagement.
Guide to Virtual Meeting Etiquette for Summer Associates and First-Year Associates
Realize it or not, you are constantly presenting at work - when you are one-to-one, participating in a small meeting, or speaking in front of a large group. Follow these simple rules of virtual meeting etiquette to enhance your professionalism and make a great first impression in all of these situations.
The Power of Subtraction in Public Speaking
Questions to ask when drafting a speech or presentation so you can improve your content through the power of subtraction - subtracting a point, details, words, fonts, colors, slides, etc.
Craft better presentations in less time with our Sandwich Structure Method
You don’t have to script your talk word-for-word or commit your speech or presentation to memory. Instead, use our Sandwich Structure Method to save time, improve message effectiveness, and support an extemporaneous and authentic delivery.
Avoid “death by PowerPoint” by following these four principles of effective visual aids
Four guiding principles to ensure the visual aids in your presentation software - like PowerPoint, Keynote, or Google Slides - supplements the content in your Sandwich Structure outline, instead of being a distraction from it.
How to convey confidence in a virtual meeting or presentation
Five key elements of virtual executive presence so you can convey confidence and stand out for the right reasons in any online workplace speaking situation.
Five Elements of a Successful Speech Introduction
The five elements of a successful speech introduction to have a solid start and maximum impact for your presentation or talk.