In the 5th century BCE, persuasion was the cornerstone of Greek education because citizens were expected to represent themselves in legal matters, legislative debates, as well as in ceremonial settings like funerals. And while professionals are more specialized today, their ability to influence is no less crucial. After all, success at work depends on the ability to convince colleagues to suggest a new product, to persuade clients to use a new product or technology, and to influence people in your industry and area of expertise.

This session will give you firsthand experience with audience analysis strategies, Spoken with Authority’s foolproof Sandwich Structure tool, theories of persuasive speaking, and techniques to enhance your executive presence, which you’ll use to deliver persuasive training presentations and product pitches — even if you don’t have ample time to prepare, if you only have a few minutes to deliver your message, or if you have to communicate online.

  • • Learn the Why Am I Method for analyzing the audience and situation and adapting to specific speaking situations

    • Apply Spoken with Authority’s proprietary Sandwich Structure to outline presentations and incorporate theories of persuasion to bolster your message

    • Discuss strategies for managing nervousness and rehearsing effectively

    • Apply newly learned persuasive speaking skills to a practice pitch delivered in a small-group break-out session

  • • Mid-career and seasoned professionals

    • Mid to senior-level professionals, or associates and partners at law firms

  • 2 hours, 3 hours, or 4 hours options

  • High:

    Participants will record and review their speaking to assess strengths and weaknesses as well as engage in multiple practice scenarios
