Do you remember the last truly productive meeting you facilitated or attended — one that made the best use of your limited time, and empowered you with valuable insights and knowledge? Indeed, such meetings are few and far between.

This session will show you how to design and deliver meetings that make an immediate and lasting impact; how to get a meeting back on track when you don’t have an answer or participants go off topic; and how to be the most effective online and in-person.

  • • Take a public-speaking approach to meeting preparation to clearly define your audience, goals, and agenda

    • Explore ways to convey confidence and authority as the meeting facilitator

    • Identify strategies to respond when you don’t have an answer and to manage naysayers and counterproductive meeting participants

  • • Mid-career and seasoned professionals who routinely lead online meetings

    • Senior associates, partners, and other law firm leaders

  • 60 to 90 minutes, can accommodate large groups

  • High:

    Participants will answer poll questions, use a whiteboard, engage in the chat box, and participate in small-group discussion


