In-person | Online | Hybrid

Mark Twain once said, “There are two types of speakers: those that are nervous and those that are liars.” And, to a large extent, research backs up this maxim. This session aims to equip attorneys with long-, mid- and short-term strategies for managing nervousness during in-person, computer-mediated, and hybrid communication situations. You won’t entirely eliminate the butterflies in your stomach when you are speaking, but you will get them to fly in formation so you can harness their energy and use it to make your delivery more enthusiastic.

  • • Assess your current levels of nervousness using proven scales of communication apprehension

    • Understand when nervous energy is productive and when it’s unhealthy

    • Learn to reframe attitudes about public speaking as well as other long, mid, and short-term strategies to manage nervousness

    • Become more comfortable and confident in speaking situations, using our easy-to-calculate communication apprehension scales to track progress against your benchmark score

  • Mixed groups of professionals and staff at all experience levels who experience nervousness or anxiety in public speaking and other oral communication situations

  • 45 to 60 minutes, can accommodate large groups

  • High:

    Participants will complete a communication apprehension survey, answer poll questions, practice exercises to reduce nervousness, develop a pre-speaking routine, and engage in the chat box

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