Let’s face it: for many people, the only thing worse than being asked to give a presentation is having to deliver it online. But it doesn’t have to be that way!
This session will give you firsthand experience with our foolproof Sandwich Structure Method for outlining presentations as well as audience-engagement techniques, which you’ll use to deliver game-changing computer-mediated presentations — even if you don’t have ample time to prepare, or if you only have a few minutes to give your virtual presentation.
• Explore best practices of presentations and visual aids delivered online
• Learn and apply the Sandwich Structure Method of preparing presentations
• Identify ways of leveraging storytelling, visuals, and technology to make presentations more engaging
• Practice new skills in a supportive learning environment
• Mid-career and seasoned professionals who deliver presentations, briefings, or pitches online
• Mid to senior-level associates, partners, and leaders at law firms
One or two 90-minute sessions, up to 10 participants
High or Very High:
Participants will develop a sample presentation, refine it in breakout groups with fellow participants, and (in the two-session format) deliver their presentation and receive encouraging feedback